Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Chocolate Yoghurt Cake

Alhamdulillah i found this recipe on the net. Actually , i have tasted this cake before. It was not too chocolatey or fudgy. Neither is a brownie nor a dense chocolate cake, it was just alright and delicious for my liking. It was someone's birthday cake and i was too embrassed to eat more.. ;)

Well , finding this recipe was a tremendous and emotional task for me because i didn't managed to get it from the owner. I just happen to search it in the net and.. Voila! Alhamdulilah , i found it but no two recipes are alike. InsyaAllah I will just try make a go with the recipe and wait for the result .

The original recipe was from this blog , thank you for sharing =)

Bahan :

3 biji telur
250 gm butter-cairkan atas api
2 cawan gula pasir(kita guna gula kastor)
1 cawan yogurt
1 cawan serbuk koko
3 cawan tepung gandum(kita guna 2 3/4 cawan)
2 sudu teh penuh soda bicarbonat
1 sudu teh esen vanila
1 cawan air panas mendidih

Cara :

Pukul telur dan gula hingga kembang
Masukkan butter,yogurt dan vanila esen
Ayak tepung gandum,serbuk koko dan soda bicarbonat 2 kali
Masukkan tepung sedikit demi sedikit.Berselang seli dgn air panas hingga habis.
Kacau hingga betul-betul rata,masukkan dalam loyang
Hentak-hentakkan perlahan -lahan loyang tadi.Bakar sehingga masak .

Things to do before returning to Egypt..

My list to do for cooking and baking ;

bake cheesecake
cook ayam/daging kandar
bake brownies
bake chocolate yoghurt cake
cook ayam vietnam..

InsyAllah i can do it !!!